Summertime is usually challenging and presents extra stress on your garbage disposal due to outdoor cookouts and swimming pool get-togethers. The garbage disposal, contrary to what many think, needs to be treated with care and is unable to handle all food items. To preserve the life and effectiveness, you should always be very conscientious of what you put down your garbage disposal. Avoid placing large or fibrous items (many fruits and vegetables), cramming too much food, and do not pour dirty grease from cooking oil after grilling down the drain. Always run cold water for a few seconds before and after you turn on and off the disposal. These tips and preventative measures will help preserve the life expectancy of your garbage disposal and may save you money in replacement in the long run.
Putman & Son's Plumbing
America: Happy Birthday!
How Does a Tankless Water Heater Work?
If you are considering installing a tankless water heater in your home, you may be curious how it uses less energy to create hot water on demand. Heating water for your home is a surprisingly demanding task, accounting for the second largest expense in your home, on average making up approximately 18% of utility bills.
Tankless water heaters work by responding to the tap as it is adjusted. When the tap for warm or hot water is turned on, cold water travels from your pipes to the tankless water heater, which passes the water through piping connected to heating elements. Depending upon the specific unit, the element may be heated by either a gas burner or electric element. One of the most wasteful events in your home is when you are waiting for the water to be warm enough to shower or bathe. Traditional tank based systems are not as flexible in their response to demand for hot water and can take a few minutes of running the water before it is ready to be used.
The two primary types of tankless water heaters as mentioned above are gas-fired and electric, both of which are beneficial to homeowners. Gas-fired models produce hot water at a rate faster than that of electric heaters; although fully electric models are more energy efficient. Deciding what type of tankless water heater is right for your home depends entirely on your water heating needs and should be evaluated by a professional. If you are in the market for a new water heater, Putman & Son’s Plumbing would be glad to analyze your needs and recommend the perfect heater for your home. Give us a call at (248) 652-0990 or visit us at to view all of our residential plumbing services.
What Is Green Plumbing?
Consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious, and that is good news for both the environment and your wallet. Green plumbing specifically is the use of efficient systems to replace historically wasteful systems. The primary allure of green plumbing is its lowered impact on the environment, using less water and energy to move the fluids within your home. The second and more surprising enticement of green plumbing are the cost savings realized over time. You should consider these two factors the next time you are going to replace a part of your plumbing system.
Traditional bathrooms are incredibly inefficient in using water, with typical toilets using upwards of six gallons per flush! New variable flow toilets have been rising in popularity due to their water savings, using just under one and a half gallons per flush. Another popular green plumbing product is the tankless water heater, which creates hot water on demand. Traditional water heaters rely upon a tank system, continuously heating the water regardless of whether or not it is going to be used. By heating the water only when it needs to be heated, homeowners can experience a savings of upwards of $100 per year!1
The wide range of temperatures we experience in Michigan make it even more important that we use green plumbing solutions. Although these apparatuses are typically more expensive than traditional systems, both their operational lifetime and utility savings are greater, making it a win/ win for homeowners. If you have any questions about green plumbing or are interested in implementing a green plumbing system in your home, give our team a call at (248) 652-0990, we would be happy to assist you!
Commercial Plumbing Repairs
If you are a business, you are heavily reliant on your building’s services. It is obvious to most business owners that if a service like phone or internet goes down, they are stuck. However, many do not realize or think about the potential problems with their Commercial and Industrial Plumbing which can be just as disastrous.
A firm with no running hot and cold water or any heating or refrigeration may have to close until repairs are carried out. Commercial and Industrial Plumbing repairs requires a team of professional plumbers who are knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with large-scale plumbing systems.
Putman & Son’s Plumbing is a certified, professional, reliable plumbing service provider and is your resource for all of your plumbing needs. We have 24/7 emergency plumbing services plus maintenance plans to avoid potential problems. Contact us to learn more.
Laundry Room Utility Sinks & Faucets
The laundry room is a high-utility room where work ideally needs to be completed easily and efficiently. If you lack the proper set-up, however, you may not be getting the most out of your laundry room. In most homes, utility sinks see a lot of usage, so they need to be durable, robust, and able to withstand wear and tear. Utility sinks can have style. There are options for faucets including ones with removable hand-held sprayers.
We offer a variety of faucet types to pair with whatever tub or sink you choose for your laundry room, so that you will have the combination you truly need and desire to serve your usage and purposes. We take the time to educate you about your new utility sink to maintain function and appearance and maximize the lifespan of the appliance. Our quality-made utility sinks and faucets are durable to withstand your needs.
Ultimately, your laundry room deserves the same high quality attention as the rest of the house. Just because the utility sink typically sits in a less-visible location, its usage requires proper function. At Putman & Son’s Plumbing, there is no compromise. Your utility sink will be durable, installed properly, with our white glove service. Your new utility sink and faucet will make life a lot easier, when done the Putman way.
At Putman & Son’s Plumbing, we have a team of certified master plumbers who have expertise in both commercial and residential plumbing applications. From new technologies to tried-and-true older ones, whatever your design or desires, we have the tools, knowhow, and experience to serve you best at a fair price. Contact us to learn more.