Putman & Sons Plumbing meet all standards for Medical Facilities
Putman & Son’s Plumbing has increased exponentially the number of medical plumbing customers that we service. Our expert plumbers have been certified by Piping Industry Progress & Education required for these skilled, specialized plumbing and installation jobs. Putman & Sons Plumbing meet all safety standards, equipment and design mandatory and essential for medical facilities.
Contact Us for More InformationPreventing Bursting Pipes
One of the best ways to prevent bursting pipes is to have your pipes inspected regularly by Putman & Sons professional plumbers. Our plumbers look for small cracks, leaks and clogs that could be putting stress on the operation of your system. Putman & Sons expert plumbers will repair or replace any problem noted so your home will be less at risk for this disaster. Putman & Sons Plumbing also recommend turning off your main water valve when you will be away from home for any length of time. It is best to have a friend or neighbor check in on your home while you are gone to make certain no problems arise.
Contact UsFrigid Temperature Upon Us – Take Precautions
As the thermometer dips, take precaution to make sure you and your home are safe.
• Make sure everyone in your house knows where the main water shut-off valve is located and knows how to use it.
• Allow warm water to drip overnight from a faucet that shares an exterior wall.
• Open cupboard doors so heat can penetrate un-insulated pipes under sinks and appliances that share outside walls.
• If you turn on your faucets and nothing comes out, call us.
• If your water pipes are frozen or burst, turn off the main water shut-off valve in your house.
• A hair dryer can be used to help thaw a frozen pipe. Begin by warming the pipe as close to the faucet as possible.
• NEVER thaw a pipe with a torch or other open flame.
• NEVER use electrical appliances in areas of standing water.
• Set your thermostat no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Have someone check on your house if you are out of town and give them our number to call in case of emergency.
Call Putman & Son’s Plumbing 24 hour hotline. We are here to help (248) 652-0990.
Happy Valentine’s Day from Everyone at Putman & Sons Plumbing
Bursting Pipes
The frigid temperatures contribute to bursting pipes that cause water damage, headaches and a big mess. Beyond the nuisance, consequences of the rush of water can be severe causing mold, fire and even electrocution. A pipe rupturing is serious and emergency measures must be taken immediately. Make sure all family members know where the main water valve is located. If you hear water running, even if you cannot see it, turn off the main water valve and electrical supply immediately and call Putman & Sons 24/7 Emergency Hotline at 248-652-0990. Do not touch anything electrical if wet. It is prudent to call and document the issue and damage for your insurance company and seek Putman & Sons professional plumbers immediately for assistance.